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Established organisations

Transform your organisation with website and app expertise that’s next level

We’re passionate about helping established businesses redefine their digital presence.

With years of experience under our belt, we understand the intricacies of scaling up & staying relevant in a rapidly evolving online landscape. Partnering with us means tapping into a wealth of expertise to transform your website or app into a powerful asset that drives growth & enhances your brand.

Elevating established organisations with digital prowess

Strategic innovation that allows you to stay ahead in the digital race

In the fast-paced digital world, staying ahead means constantly innovating. Our strategic approach is centred around keeping your business at the forefront of digital trends, ensuring your website or app not only meets current standards but sets new benchmarks.

We’ll work with you to identify opportunities for growth and implement solutions that keep you ahead of the curve.

UX + UI Design sophistication creating a premium online experience

Your brand deserves a website or app that reflects its stature and sophistication. Our design team excels in creating beautiful, bespoke designs that elevate your online presence.

We focus on delivering a premium user experience that resonates with your target audience, ensuring your website or app is not just a platform, but a true reflection of your brand’s excellence.

Technical mastery delivering robust & scalable solutions

For established organisations, its website or app must be more than just visually appealing—it needs to be a workhorse. Our technical expertise ensures that your digital solution is built on a robust, scalable foundation, capable of supporting your business’s growth and evolving needs.

We prioritise performance, security and functionality, so you can focus on your core business with peace of mind.

Think we can help?

If you’re an established business looking to transform your digital presence, we’re here to help. Contact us today to discover how we can elevate your website and drive your business forward.

Case study: Visit Ballarat

Redefining regional tourism with a cutting-edge digital experience

Website development for established organisations - Visit Ballarat by Avenue
The challenge

Visit Ballarat aimed to carve out a larger share of the international tourism market with a campaign that showcased the city’s rich culture and cuisine.

They needed a website that transcended the typical tourism template, offering a customised, engaging digital experience.

Website development for established organisations - Visit Ballarat by Avenue
The solution

We were was tasked with extending the Visit Ballarat brand digitally and reimagining their website. We focused on creating a platform that felt tailor-made for each visitor, with powerful functionality to foster a sense of connection and place.

Key features included deep Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) integration, interactive maps for route planning, interest-based itineraries, and a dynamic ‘Things To Do’ component.

UI user interface design case study - Visit Ballarat
The impact

The new Visit Ballarat website set a new standard for regional tourism boards, offering:

  • A personalised experience for users, with content and recommendations tailored to their interests.
  • An elegant storytelling solution to showcase brand and user-generated content.
  • A flexible platform for the client, allowing easy updates and reconfiguration based on creative assets.

The website has been lauded for its user experience and design – winning multiple global web awards – positioning Visit Ballarat at the forefront of the travel, entertainment, and leisure industry.

And the stats don’t lie:
Visit Ballarat website development conversion statistics - by Avenue
Ready to take your business to the next level?